We have included in this section links to download our Care Brochure, the Statement of Purpose and the Inspection Report from CQC
Our Care Brochure gives a small snapshot into life at Derby Lodge and enables any prospective client to see what we are able to offer by way of care and activities.
Our Statement of Purpose sets out Our Aims and Objectives and the kind of services we can provide and the clientele we care for. It gives the full name of the Company and of our Registered Manager, together with our business address and telephone number. It also gives details of our Admission procedure, what is or is not included in our fees, details of Care Planning and most importantly our Philosophy of Care.
The Care Quality Commission Report – Review of Compliance – is a document published by the CQC following an inspection of Derby Lodge. This sets out the findings of the inspector. This document can also be downloaded directly from the CQC web site at www.cqc.org.uk